Saturday, March 10, 2012

SALUX - Exfoliation: The Secret To Healthy Skin

What in the world is exfoliation?

You hear about it on the beauty blogs, from your friends and on commercials. Most of you probably know exactly what it is all about but lets do a brief explanation

Exfoliation is the process of lightly scrubbing off dead skin cells to reveal and expose "younger," fresher skin. The "light" scrubbing process unclogs pores, keeps skin clean and helps reduce acne breakouts. It's usually the first step in cleaning your body and  face.  Most prefer to use some form of cleanser with the process (preferably one with hypoallergenic properties), and finally, moisturizing.

What do I use to exfoliate with?
Of course the first thing I'm going to  suggest is a Salux cloth since that's what I'm in the business of  promoting.
But I will explain all the options with you in the upcoming posts.  So subscribe to follow us so you can find out more about exfoliation and other skincare tips.  And before you leave take the time to click on the "Salux Shop" tab above and check out are main site and product line.

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